Nu-Line, which specializes in spray suppression in Canada, recently introduced a new patent-pending side guard for straight trucks.
The Nu-Line side guard provides an additional protection barrier in the event of a side collision for trucks that work near pedestrians and cyclists. A growing number of municipalities are adopting the requirement for their trucks, and any operating within their city limits, to have side-guard protection because of its effectiveness in reducing the number of vulnerable road user fatalities and the severity of injuries.
The Nu-Line side guard can be assembled in as little as five minutes per side, the company said. Installation on each side of the vehicle may be completed within an hour with quick temporary removal when necessary. It attaches to the frame with two single bolts and is easily adjusted for assembly height and distance from frame to edge of wheel. There is no welding or fabrication and no specialized training required to become a certified installer of the Nu-Line side guard.
The durable construction carries a limited life-time warranty and meets the US Department of Transportation VOLPE Center’s recommended standard for side guard force protection.