Leaders of the American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council said they are looking forward to welcoming the industry to the organization’s first in-person meeting since 2020 this September 12-16 in Cleveland, TMC’s 2021 Fall Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibition.
“We are very excited to host one of the industry’s first, and largest, in-person gatherings in Cleveland in just a few weeks. Building on ATA’s safe and successful in-person Mid-Year Management Session held this May, our members are excited to gather together and we are equally eager to host them, but with a continued emphasis on our members’ health and safety,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “The TMC Fall Meeting has already seen strong registration, reflecting our members’ desire to resume meeting and their belief in our commitment to their wellness. We are very much looking forward to seeing them in Cleveland in September.”
The event—whose theme is “Mastering the New Realities of Maintenance Management”—will feature TMC’s customary slate of educational sessions, focusing on vehicle electrification, future vehicle design and communication technologies, as well as other topics including advanced driver assistance systems, electromechanical braking systems, spec’ing vehicles for 2022 and beyond and much more.
Registrations have been brisk for the four-day event, and there is limited availability of hotel space, ATA notes. However, TMC is working to accommodate strong demand for lodging from attendees. TMC’s 2021 Fall Meeting also marks the return of the National Technician Skills Competition—TMCSuperTech. While the COVID-19 pandemic forced the council to curtail the competition in 2020, TMC’s Professional Technician Development Committee is welcoming technicians to compete in Cleveland.
Due to social distancing and space limitations, TMCSuperTech 2021 will consist of a one-day, one-track competition featuring a written test and 11 skills stations, organized in a table-top format similar to that of the Day 1 track of recent TMCSuperTech competitions.
TMCSuperTech 2021 will showcase the high degree of skill and knowledge shown everyday by trucking industry technicians. And it’s trucking’s only industry-wide competition dedicated both to honoring technician professionalism. “For more than six decades, TMC has worked to raise professional and technical standards for the trucking industry,” said TMC Executive Director Robert Braswell. “This fall meeting is an important part of that—not just to see what is available in the field on the exhibit hall floor—but to have the opportunity to discuss and learn about the latest advances in truck technology in our myriad of task forces and educational sessions. TMC leadership is committed to providing this experience for our members in a safe and responsible way.” For more information, or to register, for the Council’s 2021 Fall Meeting visit https://tmcfall.trucking.org/. For a look at how TMC is encouraging members to attend safely, click here.