Utility Trailer
Utility Paragould Safety Award

Utility Paragould receives second Gold Safety Award

April 23, 2019
Liberty recently presented its highest-level safety honor to Utility Trailer's Paragould AR manufacturing plant.

Liberty Mutural Insurance recently presented its highest-level safety honor, the Liberty Mutual Gold Safety Award, to Utility Trailer's Paragould AR manufacturing plant.

Winners are determined by days away, and the restricted and transferred (DART) rate, which is calculated from the number of hours worked relative to the number of accidents at the plant. Lower numbers of accidents result in lower DART rates.

“The employees at the Paragould plant continue to work hard to create and maintain a safe workplace, and their efforts have again been recognized by Liberty Mutual with its highest honor, a Gold Safety Award,” said Bob Griffis, corporate environmental health and safety (EHS) manager for Utility Trailer Manufacturing.

“This is Paragould’s second Gold award, and Liberty Mutual grants very few of these. We are very proud of all our Paragould employees, with receipt of now 13 Safety awards.”

In 2018, Utility’s Paragould plant had a DART rate of 0.40, with over 1.49 million hours worked. The average DART rate for the trailer manufacturing industry was much higher, at 3.9.  A Gold Safety Award is presented for DART rates 20% or lower than the industry rate. The Paragould plant’s DART rate was nearly 1/10th the industry rate.

“We are appreciative for being recognized with another Gold Safety Award by Liberty Mutual,” said Sean Graddy, Utility’s Paragould EHS manager. “Our continually improving safety record over the past two decades shows Utility Trailer’s commitment to safety is deeply ingrained in our culture.

“Without the dedication of all of our employees and the support of our management and owners, a successful safety program would not be possible.”

Liberty Mutual’s Dale Innis presented the Safety Award to a group of Paragould employees on behalf of all of Utility’s Paragould employees.

“I credit our employees here in Paragould for embracing and expanding our culture of working safely,” said David Neighbors, Utility’s Paragould plant manager. “Our goal is to have zero accidents.”

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