FTR truck and transportation expert Noël Perry will discuss inventories and omni-channel during a complimentary webinar February 9 at 11 a.m. EDT for supply chain and transportation professionals.
Perry will look at the logistical implications of this radical retail change, starting from the supply point to delivery to the customer. He will explore the changes that have occurred so far, and will look hard at the even bigger changes to come.
“Web-based marketing of goods and services is the biggest thing to hit the American economy since the development of the superhighways in the 1950s,” Perry said. “As usual, radical change will multiply the opportunity for major commercial gains by most players, at the same time it will threaten the very existence of the slow adapters.”
This is a thirty-minute webinar moderated by Jonathan Starks, COO of FTR. Participant Q&A session will be held after the presentation.
Registration to attend is required prior to the webinar date and can be completed by clicking here: