FTR's freight-cast transportation model is a unique, and complicated, model that gives you the best view of the total domestic freight transportation market available. Understanding this critical forecast model will help you and your organization better utilize the data and forecasts that come from FTR each month. Join Jonathan Starks, COO of FTR, as he walks through and explains the different components of the model during this webinar scheduled for Thursday, August 11, at 11 a.m. EDT. Starks commented, "In the 1970s the freight markets were looking to better understand the overall freight transportation system. FTR founder, Ed Graham, along with significant input by transportation economist Noël Perry, was able to develop a methodology that is still in use today. "The Freight-cast model gives FTR the unique ability to tie transportation demand to economic activity. Specifically, the model helps markets better understand how 'total' transportation demand effects certain commodities, equipment types, and even potential modal shifts. By breaking down several of the individual components of the Freight-cast model, I hope to shed some light on this critical piece of market insight." This is a thirty-minute webinar moderated by Eric Starks, CEO and Chairman. Participant Q&A session will be held after the presentation.
Registration to attend is required prior to the webinar date and can be completed by clicking here: