Kögel unveiled its new, fully insulated asphalt tipper trailer at Bauma 2016 in Munich.
Two-axle and three-axle Kögel tipper trailers with a 24 m³ loading volume can also be provided from now on with a fully insulated thermal tipper body in all the available wall and tipper body strengths.
The three-axle asphalt tipper trailer version shown at Bauma 2016 has a 24 m³ loading volume, a 5 mm thick tipper body bottom, a 4 mm thick back wall made of tempered Hardox 450 steel and side walls made of high-strength 4 mm S700 steel sheets. This combination is optimally suited for daily, practical use with asphalt mixtures and gravel.
The body of the new asphalt tipper trailer is fully insulated according to the asphalt ordinance and equipped with an integrated four-point measuring system and a temperature display unit with an optional available printer. The display alternately shows the four different measuring points and the average temperature. The insulation is based on a thermosetting, high-performance insulation material with special suitability in the high-temperature range of up to 200°C. The external cladding as well as the entire vehicle frame and the tipper body are sustainably protected against corrosion by nano-ceramic technology and cathodic dip-paint coating with subsequent UV varnishing. The temperature sensors can be easily maintained via metal sheet covers. A heat-resistant sliding roof is used as insulation towards the top. The heat characteristics of the fully insulated asphalt tipper exceed the values specified. This ensures significantly increased temperature stability of the asphalt.
The new Kögel asphalt tipper trailers already have the 170 mm extension of the body overhang that Kögel introduced in 2014. The asphalt tipper semi-trailer is therefore perfectly suited for road paving. An optionally attachable chute is therefore no longer necessary. This not only saves customers money, but also weight.
The lamp holders are separated from the mudguard holders and can therefore be easily and quickly adjusted in height to get more distance to the asphalt or the paving machine. The redeveloped locking device for the hinged underride guard when swung upwards, which was already introduced last year, is also perfect for road paving applications. This substantially reduces soiling by asphalt.
The tipper trailer with fully insulated thermal tipper body is also available from Kögel's sister company, Humbaur. The company has thus responded to requests by Humbaur customers who prefer one-stop shopping.