Hendrickson launches new digital trailer parts catalog
Hendrickson Trailer Commercial Vehicle Systems recently launched a new digital Trailer Suspension Parts Catalog.
The digital trailer parts catalog with interactive navigation is available for online browsing at maaxuptime.com. The digital parts catalog is instantly accessible through any mobile or desktop device, and does not require additional downloads or apps.
“The new digital catalog offers several different ways to navigate through the document to view information quickly and efficiently,” said David McCleave, director of aftermarket for Hendrickson. “You can search by part number or name, or you can click on the table of contents to reach your desired destination. Zoom in or out easily. The text stays sharp and clear and features the ability to make side notes from the bottom toolbar. The notes are specific to the user, and they remain available when you return using the same device.
“Most importantly, the content is consistently up to date.”
As a commitment to supporting maximum uptime, Hendrickson is continuously improving parts information accessibility for efficient, easy reference. Digital parts catalogs for trailer, truck, and bumper & trim divisions all are available at maaxuptime.com.
Visit hendrickson-intl.com for more information.