A new catalog (Catalog 4400) is available from the Hose Products Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation. From choosing the correct crimper die to checking hose/chemical compatibility, the catalog will save readers time.
The glossy four-color, 344-page catalog is three-hole-punched for easy binder storage and is divided into five tabbed sections — Hoses, Fittings, Equipment, Accessories, and Technical information — for quick reference.
An abbreviated Hose Products Division catalog is also available. The eight-panel Quick Reference Guide (Bulletin 4400-B13) is a handy foldout directory to Parker's hydraulic, Push-Lok, suction and return, transportation, and refrigerant hoses. It is available in English and Spanish.
For a copy of Catalog 4400 or Bulletin 4400-B13, contact Parker at 1-800-C-PARKER, visit a ParkerStore location, or visit www.parkerhose.com.
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