With a high-capacity aluminum body self-unloading trailer designed for extreme-duty applications, Titan Trailers has opened the door to improved productivity for truckers serving the forestry industry.
Titan has unveiled two Thinwall demonstration trailers featuring the steel V-Floor unloading system from Keith Walking Floor. The new Thinwall V-Floor trailer combines the capacity, durability, and light weight of Titan aluminum body construction with the self-unloading efficiency and strength of a solid steel Keith Walking Floor.
Titan President Mike Kloepfer says, “With the new V-Floor unloader, we can now extend the benefits of Thinwall to customers who also need the extra strength of a steel live floor.”
Many such applications are met traditionally by steel-body dump trailers and flatdecks. However, dump bodies generally reach their practical payload limit around 50 cubic yards. A 48-ft Titan trailer, meanwhile, offers more than double the payload capacity — up to 130 cubic yards — while the Keith V-Floor system ensures that the trailer maintains a sure footing while it walks off the load.
Flatdecks and stake trailers provide a strong base for loading logs but can't accept loads of the bulk material produced by mills. The open-top Titan V-Floor trailer readily accepts bulk materials, logs, and lumber as well as palletized loads.
Contact Titan, R R #3, Delhi, Ontario, Canada N4B 2W6 for further information.
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