Lift-A-Loft Corporation has developed a new self-contained scissors lift that can easily mount or be removed from the bed of a pickup truck.
The TL22 was developed for lift users who do not need to trailer and haul a separate lift to the jobsite. If a pickup truck can be positioned directly at the work location, then the TL can be used to quickly and efficiently do the job.
This lift can be mounted in any pickup that offers 2,650 lbs of payload with an 8'-long bed. It features a self-contained power pack that automatically recharges from the truck's electrical system. The truck also does not need to keep running while the lift is in operation. This unit meets the requirements of ANSI A92.2 and does not require outriggers.
The TL22 offers 500 lbs of platform capacity. When mounted on a 32" truck bed, the unit provides 21'-10" of platform height. The unit also comes standard with a 36" rear extenda-deck.
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