The National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA) has launched its enhanced web site, The site offers:
News Center — latest industry or member news, industry calendar, or download information with the PDA Edition.
TechCenter — access to NTEA articles and publications on regulations, safety standards, and other requirements; how to contact major truck chassis manufacturers for body-builder advice; find ratings and performance ranges for dump body and conversion hoists; or search the truck equipment glossary.
Market Data — articles, research, and statistical data on truck and trailer sales, construction markets, foreign trade, leading indicators, and the economy.
Your Business — search the product directory or job database, or access programs that help save time and money.
Products & Services — visit an online publications catalog of industry resources such as a quick-reference guide to selection of commercial vehicle components and equipment; certification labels or a federal excise tax reference manual.
Conferences & Training — learn about Truck Equipment College courses and workshops, register for web-based training, or learn more about annual Economic Outlook and Truck Product conferences.
Capitol Hill — monitor legislative and regulatory issues such as federal excise tax, Occupational Health and Safety Administration regulations, and environmental and labor issues.
Convention & Expo — convention and exposition information, with an exhibitor database and online registration for T3 — The Commercial Truck, Trailer and Technology Expo and the NTEA annual convention.
Members Only — offers technical assistance and access to the site's document library; research, market data, and forecasting; post company news and press releases; submit free job postings online.