Preparation work is underway to establish a foundation drum and air disc brake manufacturing facility in Bowling Green KY, an official from Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC said.
Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake will make an initial investment of more than $6 million into the facility, equipment, and layout for production. Lean manufacturing experts have reviewed the entire production process using a Systematic Layout Planning model.
The facility is located at 346 Central Avenue, the former site of the Hayes Lemmerz aluminum wheel fabricating plant. It's the first dedicated foundation brake manufacturing facility for the wheel-end joint venture of Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC and Dana Corpo.
Foundation drum brake (S-Cam) production and associated employees will move from the Dana facility 40 miles away in Glasgow KY. Air disc brake production will be transitioned from a Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems facility in Frankfort KY. Bendix's Frankfort facility, which also manufactures air compressors, will shut down operation by late 2007.
Initially, the new facility will employ approximately 175, with continued growth expected. Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake is initially leasing 187,000 square feet of the building's total 305,000 square feet. The facility's South Central Kentucky location lies within an optimal distance from the majority of its suppliers and customers, as well as commuting distance for the employees transitioning from Glasgow.