Heavy-duty trucking industry leaders will forecast the future at Heavy Duty Dialogue 2002, presented by the Heavy Duty Manufacturers Association (HDMA) and set for Feb 11-12, 2002, the Atlanta (GA) Airport Hilton & Towers. HDMA's biennial dialogues examine issues affecting the heavy-duty trucking industry. The Dialogue 2002 program will include an opening luncheon, speaker, and panel discussions of industry issues.
Heavy Duty Dialogue 2002 committee members are William C Diggory, vice-president and general manager-aftermarket, Chicago Rawhide, Elgin IL; R P "Pete" Joy, president, Haldez Service Corp, Kansas City MO; Dennis A Kline, vice-president-sales, North America, ArvinMeritor Heavy Vehicle Systems, Troy MI; and Scott R Stimson, director-aftermarket sales and fleet service, MGM Brakes, Charlotte NC.