Final results were released for the 2002 International Trucking Show held June 27-29, 2002, at the Las Vegas (NV) Convention Center.
Truck operator registrations (fleets and owner operators combined) were up 14.25%. Total registrations were up 2% for a total of 27,904. This year's ITS hosted almost 500 exhibitors and included major truck OEMs and hundreds of other industry-related suppliers. The show provided training seminars and the ITS Show & Shine/Stars and Stripes truck “beauty contest.”
The 42nd annual ITS will be held June 26-28, 2003, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. For more information, contact ITS Management, 1155 Chess Dr, Suite 102, Foster City CA 94404; phone 650-349-4017; or e-mail: [email protected].