The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with two organizations affiliated with China's Ministry of Construction to create the construction equipment industry's first joint training and certification program. The program targets machinery operators, service technicians, and supervisory personnel.
The primary goal of the Chinese training initiative is to improve safety and the level and quality of equipment used in the Chinese construction industry. This program also seeks to promote advanced construction machinery products and practices in China. Joining AEM in signing the MOU were the Changsha Construction Machinery Research Institute (CSCMI) and the China Construction Education Association (CCEA).
Under the agreement AEM, CSCMI, and CCEA will work together to provide operator training and certification services. This includes development of training materials and curriculum as well as inspection criteria for training procedures and facilities. The agreement also covers training to improve the quality of knowledge of construction equipment maintenance and service technicians, including the basics of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical systems. Training specific to a particular product will remain the responsibility of original equipment manufacturers and their dealers. The agreement aims to develop materials, criteria, and training for supervisors of construction machinery operators/service technicians.
The MOU calls for completion of a business plan by August 2005 and operating priorities by the end of 2005. Training services are expected to begin in 2006. Training will initially make use of the CSMCI facility in Changsha, a city in China's Hunan province, as well as CCEA facilities. Plans call for expanding the training program to encompass member company in-country facilities as well.