SAE asks authors for submissions of tech session papers

Jan. 1, 2006
Members of the Commercial Vehicle Engineering & Operations Activity (CVEO) and Farm Construction and Industrial Machinery (FCIM) of the SAE Engineering

Members of the Commercial Vehicle Engineering & Operations Activity (CVEO) and Farm Construction and Industrial Machinery (FCIM) of the SAE Engineering Meetings Board and EMB Land & Sea Group are developing technical sessions for the 2006 SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress. Authors are invited to submit abstracts of approximately 300 words, including title and author contact information, by March 3, 2006. Abstracts can be submitted online at

Abstracts are being invited on design, manufacture, operation, and maintenance of heavy-, medium-, and light-duty commercial trucks, buses, and equipment. This event will cover all on-road and off-road applications for commercial vehicles. The main technical program themes are: Electronics, Fluid Power, Maintenance, Powertrain, Safety, and Executive Management.

Suggested paper topics (for both on- and off-road) are:

Autonomous Vehicles
Braking & Steering Systems
Chassis & Suspension Systems
Diagnostics/Prognostics/Asset Management
Engine/Engine Controls/Alternate Propulsion/Hybrids
Emissions & Environment/Fuel Economy
Electrical Systems/Higher Voltages
Electronics/Software/Onboard Diagnostics
Global Standardization/Harmonization
Hydraulics/Electro Hydraulics/Fluid Power
Materials/Alloys/Lightweight Materials
Military Applications
Noise & Vibration
Operator Environment
Systems Engineering

For more information, contact Greg Muha or Robert Kornrumpf, SAE International, e-mail: [email protected]; fax 724-776-1830; phone 724-772-4071 or 724/772-4030.