Legislation Would Ensure Vehicle Owners Get to Pick Where Their Vehicle Is Repaired
Legislation that will ensure a vehicle owner's ability to choose where their vehicle will be repaired has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives. Supported by the Automotive Parts Service Alliance (APSA), the Motor Vehicle Owner's Right to Repair Act of 2001, HR 2735 is being sponsored by Reps Edolphus Towns (D-NY) and Joe Barton (R-TX).
APSA is a joint effort of the government affairs departments of the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) and the Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association (AWDA).
Specifically, HR 2735 would:
Reaffirm the owner's right to repair their vehicle and keep their family safe.
Promote consumer safety by allowing the owner or their mechanic access to computers that control the systems and components of their vehicle.
Permit the owner to choose the repair shop and the replacement parts necessary to service and maintain their vehicle.
Promote competition and affordability in vehicle repair.
Authorize the Federal Trade Commission to promulgate regulations to protect the consumer and to promote competition in vehicle maintenance and repair.
Provide the vehicle owner a cause of action in federal court for violation of this Act.
The bill likely will go to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for initial consideration.