Kurt Hydraulics announces publication of a new 180-page catalog featuring its full line of standard hose and couplings designed for a range of hydraulic applications.
This indexed catalog contains a full range of spiral, thermoplastic, and specialty hose in dozens of styles. The catalog also contains hundreds of coupling styles ranging from braided hose and spiral hose couplings to ultra-high-pressure, non-skive couplings and Teflon couplings.
The catalog contains accessories such as connections and crimpers. Recommended practices for designing hydraulic hose assemblies, drawings, routing tips, SAE specifications, and ID hose selection information for correct flow and velocity are also included.
Kurt's provides complete life cycle testing and routinely co-manages validation processes with local integrators and distributors.
Obtain this catalog free of charge by calling 1-866-257-7995, or e-mail [email protected].
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