K. Alan McFerren, engineering manager of Medtec Ambulance Corporation (Goshen, IN), was recently elected president of the Ambulance Manufacturers Division (AMD) of the National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA). He succeeds Phil Braun, president and CEO of Braun Industries (Van Wert, OH).
During his term, McFerren will continue to coordinate with the General Services Administration in the development and revision of the Federal Specification for Ambulances KKK-A-1822. He will also coordinate the development of performance test procedures for ambulances (Standards 001-026).
McFerren has been a member of the AMD executive and technical committees for the past 12 years and has served as first and second vice president as well as treasurer.
He has 23 years of experience in the ambulance industry that includes working in sales and engineering for several companies, including Collins Ambulance Corp., Wheeled Coach Industries and McCoy Miller Ambulance Corp.
Other officers elected are: First Vice President David Cole, paramedic national sales manager, Life Line Emergency Vehicles, Inc.; Second Vice President Randy Hanson, American Emergency Vehicles, Inc.; and Treasurer Tim Morrow, president, Crestline Coach Ltd. Fred Schimmel, senior design engineer, McCoy Miller LLC/Marque, Inc. continues as chairperson of the AMD Technical Committee.
The AMD was founded in 1976 and became a division of the NTEA to further enhance its position in the industry and depth of professionalism. Approximately 60 companies are members of AMD, an association that has consistently represented more than 90% of the ambulance producers in the U.S.