State service managers have a median total annual compensation of $79,753, which is 272% higher than the $21,424 median total annual compensation earned by bench service trainees, according to a survey sponsored by the National Association of Service Managers and directed by Dr Steven Langer, president of Abbott, Langer & Associates Inc.
The survey report contains salary and bonus information on 21 benchmark jobs in 30 firms by type of industry and size of employer, and contains sections on geographic differentials and overtime pay.
Median total cash incomes of some of the other benchmark jobs surveyed are: field service engineers, $62,000; technical writing supervisors, $56,579; service training instructors, $54,986; field service representatives “A”, $50,242; local parts managers, $48,807; and bench service leadmen, $43,909.
Copies of the complete Salaries and Bonuses in the Service Department — 2001 are available for $425 from Abbott, Langer & Associates, Dept NR, 548 First St, Crete IL 60417; telephone 708-672-4200; fax 708-672-4674; or access