Fifthwheel manufacturer Fontaine International has upgraded its website,, to make it easier for customers to get the fifthwheel information they need quickly and efficiently.
The website provides multiple resources for specifying, using, maintaining, troubleshooting, and rebuilding fifthwheels. There is an extensive library of videos available to watch online or to download. PDF versions of product literature, sales materials, driver FAQs, troubleshooting flow charts, warranty information, and technical bulletins are provided. An interactive “Choosing the Right Fifthwheel” application walks users through the process step-by-step. Many of the materials are also available in Spanish. Fontaine's Fifthwheel Training Center has been incorporated into the new site, as well.
Also included is information about Fontaine International itself, including the company's focus on research and development and the quality awards it has earned. Contact information is provided for Fontaine sales representatives, corporate headquarters, and sales offices in Canada and Mexico, as well as the distribution network.
For more information, visit