CONCOA has introduced a new, easy-to-install software package for monitoring its line of automatic switchovers and blender equipment via the Advantium 8 remote alarm.
The new software offers real-time gas system monitoring and event-logging capabilities. It monitors the output of the Advantium 8 remote alarm and provides both local and off-site notification via e-mail or fax format. The software receives input via the Advantium 8 RS232 communication port, which can be configured for inert or flammable gases with CONCOA's intrinsic safety barriers. The software works in the background of a desktop computer and flashes an icon when an alarm event occurs. This allows the user to see what the gas system is doing in the factory.
Compatible with Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP, the Advantium software package enables the user or distributor to remotely monitor gas systems such as laser resonator, micro-bulk vessels, blending systems, gas analyzers, and laboratory sensors. Notification frequency and alert status conditions can be customized. E-mail or fax notifications can be sent to multiple sites such as the maintenance department, gas distributor store manager, salesman, and delivery driver.
For more information or a full-line catalog, contact CONCOA, Virginia Beach VA.