Avenger Corp announces its new series of Outfitter dog trailers and truck toppers. These Outfitter products include dog transporters with multiple options for waterfowl hunters, upland hunters, dog handlers, and field trial specialists.
Outfitter dog transporters come in four- and six-wide trailers as well as a new series of truck-toppers for pickup trucks.
Four-wide Outfitter — These trailers are designed for towing behind small and mid-size trucks and SUVs. They are available in 6-foot models with four kennels: one curbside, one roadside, and two in the rear of the trailer.
Six-wide Outfitter — Trailers come in eight models: two 10-ft two-dog models, one with slideout gun storage; three four-dog models, one standard 10-ft model, a 10-ft model with slideout gun storage, and a 12-ft model with ATV storage; and three six-dog models, one standard 10-ft model, a 10-ft model with slideout gun storage, and a 14-ft model with ATV storage. These are engineered for half-ton pickups and SUVs.
Outfitter dog toppers for pickups — Toppers are available in six models: three for short-bed pickups and three for long beds. Short-bed pickup models come in two-dog models with storage, four-dog with storage, and six-dog without storage. Long-bed toppers come in four-dog models with storage, six-dog models with storage, and eight-dog models without storage. The toppers are designed for field trial professionals, law enforcement K-9 units, or hunters facing rough terrain.
For more details, contact Avenger, 19875 M-205 Edwardsburg MI 49112.
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